Culture and identity on drug consumption in homeless people in Medellín
Habitante de calle, Sustancias psicoactivas (SPA), Problemática social, Cultura, Identidad, Representaciones sociales, Vulnerabilidad.Abstract
One of the most pressing social problems facing the city of Medellin inhabitant is the phenomenon of "street" and consumers of all kinds of substances, both chemical and behavioral and / or psychological; biopsicosocial this situation alters its evolution,
becoming an obstacle to the scope of achievement and family, social, economic and employment objectives.
The phenomenon of inhabitant "street" is multicausal and its high vulnerability and complexity, urgently required proposals at local, regional and national level so that there is a social change and that they redound in favor of these people who have lost everything and They found inhabiting the street because they have no resources to survive.
The research seeks understanding and interpretation of the motivations of the street dweller to be in those conditions in the city of Medellin, leading him to build his identity, taking into account the scenarios in which it develops. Also provide some answers to such a felt need to live the city by providing accurate and current information to enable government agencies to legislate on the matter, because the problem is exacerbated each day by social factors that cross the city and the country as They are: the armed conflict and therefore, forced displacement, unemployment, migration, exclusion and increased consumption and distribution of psychoactive substances (SPA) and micro-trafficking.
The method used to respond to the research proposal was qualitative, with the support of the Center for Public Opinion at the University of Medellin, with design life stories, using methodology individual depth interview, based on the dialogue, understanding and interpretation of the exclusion violated environment in which these people are immersed. The interview was conducted to fifty (50) "street people" over 25s, men and women, with most of those interviewed comorbidity, by use of legal and illegal psychoactive substances chemical order; but some of them also addicted to the behavioral and / or psychological.
The findings of research on the reasons for habitability in the street and psychoactive substances (SPA), according to that mentioned by respondents were: family problems, emotional deprivation, forced displacement and loss of family, encouraging subject to achieving a quick identity to alleviate its shortcomings (emotional, tenure, membership) of a particular social group and thus overcome feelings of loneliness, abandonment and esteem.
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