Community resources for health prevention strategies in Villahermosa Jail
Health, jail, community, drugs education and prevention.Abstract
Health conditions in Colombian prisons are affecting prisoners alarmingly due to problems like overcrowding and lack of appropriate care and prevention services. This situation is favored by forms of social relationships that occur in these places, in particular, in issues of great impact over this population such as drug use.
This article analyses the results of an intervention carried out in the prison of Villahermosa, Cali. It sought to establish strategies of prevention among the inmates of said institution, starting from a previous diagnosis, based on interviews and focal groups. Based on this data, preventive actions were established in the different prison yards according to the characteristics of each sector.
These actions are still insuffi cient in relation to the magnitude of the problem but they help to decrease the damages and risks caused by the institution. Thus, appealing to the community of inmates directly has shown to be an effective tool for these purposes.
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