Family environment: protection or risk factor for the development of addictive behavior in children


  • Lizzy Alpízar Jiménez Colegio Saint Francis y Universidad Católica de Costa Rica



Interacciones, Dinámica familiar, Responsabilidad social, Desarrollo humano, Acompañamiento, Prevención, Mediación.


The family is the first agent of socialization and upbringing of children: roles are learned in it, they generate dynamics and important links are made for the integral development of each member, whether to strengthen or weaken behaviors that can be harmful or addictive in young people.
This article provides an overview of the conceptualization of the family as well as offering an ideal description of it and from there we incorporate key elements that lead to protective or risk factors that could be useful to parents in the upbringing of their children.
The aim of the paper is to sensitize the reader to the basics for a good process of socialization and proactive decision-making within the family. It also encourages readers to reflect on the suggestions we make for accompanying members of the family regarding their life projects, so that the development of addictive behavior is prevented.
The article is an invitation to study each of the perspectives proposed here, from the lived family experience, and to work on those considered relevant to grow and improve, thereby recognizing that the family is a group that continuously changes its internal dynamics and faces changes in terms of the external demands of the environment and society.


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How to Cite

Alpízar Jiménez, L. (2016). Family environment: protection or risk factor for the development of addictive behavior in children. Drugs and Addictive Behavior, 1(1), 101–112.



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