Humans to limit: a thoughtful look at street dwellers


  • Alberto André Restrepo Alzate



Social exclusion, Street dwellers, Social representations.


Human beings, permeated by the changing social dynamics of modernity, are forced to assume certain spaces, territories and particular ways of life. In line with this contention, the present article proposes a reflection on the street dweller in the
urban context: how he/she is absorbed by the life on the streets, what is the face of the street dweller according to Salcedo (year), and what specific conditions put him/her on the edge of existence. Likewise, exclusion is presented as a factor which
enhances the division of the world into two: the accepted and the unaccepted, the insiders and outsiders, the included and excluded.
This condition places them, according to Moreno (2003), in a state of “exclusion” because their lifestyles are reproved by “society”. We propose an approach to the theory of social representations taken from the work of Moscovici and Araya
Umaña (year), which can be used as a tool to generate a human understanding of street dwellers and, from this knowledge, it is possible to generate a reflection that allows the ordinary citizen to sensitize him or herself in developing his or her own
representation of this population and thus identify that this different subject is still presented as a human being on his limits.


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How to Cite

Restrepo Alzate, A. A. (2016). Humans to limit: a thoughtful look at street dwellers. Drugs and Addictive Behavior, 1(1), 89–100.



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