Factors related to the persistence of smoking in university students
Anxiety, Dependence, Consumption, Smoking, Students.Abstract
The habit of cigarette smoking is a public health problem that causes millions of deaths worldwide. Despite the existence of
national laws restricting the sale and consumption of cigarettes in areas close to schools, they are consumed at least once
in the lives of one in four university students in Colombia. This study aimed to describe factors associated with the persistence
of smoking in a group of 57 university students compared to 14 students who completed at least 50% of a consumer
cessation program. The study used the following tools: the Fagerström Test, QSU Brief questionnaire, co-oximetry and a
questionnaire about smoking. It was found that craving determines the persistence of student smoking; smokers who avoid
the process of cessation mark higher levels of dependence and negative craving compared to participants who completed
the program; the consideration of quitting smoking was associated with academic exams, social meetings and the form of
consumption. In conclusion, academic exams, social meetings and form of consumption are situations that facilitate the
persistence of the habit; they probably control the degree of craving in students and may reinforce cigarette dependence.
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