Frontal symptoms and personality disorders in illicit drug users
Substance dependence, Personality disorders, Frontal symptoms, Cognitive rehabilitation, Therapeutic abandonment.Abstract
Illicit drug dependence is a worldwide problem that affects people regardless of age, gender, culture or social status. Some
of the factors that contribute to the continued use of substances are personality disorders and damage to the frontal lobes,
which could, in turn, explain the changes in the patterns of personality. The purpose of this article, in the first place, is to
determine the influence of substance dependence on personality disorders and frontal symptoms and, secondly, to relate the
frontal symptoms and personality disorders in substance-dependent people. In total, 110 people, 55 of them coming from a
substance dependent population and 55 a nonclinical one, participated in this research and filled the ISP and MCMI-III scales.
Among the results we found that substance-dependent people have greater damage on pre-frontal lobes and are likely to develop
personality disorders. Additionally, the study showed that there is significant correlation between personality disorders
and difficulties in everyday activities related to the functions of the prefrontal lobe. The most common disorders found in the
clinical population are of an Antisocial, Avoidant and Depressive nature. They are associated with impairment in the frontal
lobe of the brain, primarily in the areas concerned with emotional control, and executive functions. We conclude that damage
to the frontal lobe and the tendency to develop personality disorders are influenced by substance dependence, existing, in
turn, highly significant correlations between the two variables.
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