About the Journal

Focus and Scope


The journal Drugs and Addictive Behavior is a publication of scientific, semi-annual, dissemination of high-quality articles on the topics of psychoactive substance use and addictions that are the result of research or product of judicious reflection and theoretical relevance , professional and disciplinary in fields such as psychology, pedagogy, social work, medicine and other areas. In this way, it hopes to contribute to the development of processes of intervention, prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles and integral health of the people; in local, national and international environments.


Target audience and scope

The journal is aimed at professionals, university students, public and private institutions that are related to the subject and fields of knowledge such as psychology, pedagogy, social work, medicine and other related; and the general public that shows interest in knowing about addictions.


Structure of articles

The articles must be unpublished, typed in Word to space and a half, with Arial font of 12 points. It must include the title, summary and keywords in Spanish and English. In the event that the article is written in a foreign language other than English, both the title and the abstract and the keywords must be translated into this language and into Spanish; the rest of the content will remain in the original language.

The maximum length of the titles must be 12 words, which describe the main idea of the article. The use of numbers, symbols and abbreviations will be avoided, as they make it difficult to search in databases, catalogs and indexing systems.

Each article must include the name of the author (s), as usually recorded in their publications. For each one, include a footnote with the following information in strict order: last level of training, institution (without abbreviations) to which it belongs, city, country, email and research group, if it belongs to one. Author (s) is defined as the person (s) directly responsible for the writing of the content.

The summary must be analytical, of maximum 250 words. In the case of articles, research products will include the objective, the methodology, the size of the sample, the strategies or instruments to collect the information and the main results found. In the case of articles that are not the result of research, the summary must clearly and succinctly express the objective of the article, the main assumptions of which it leaves, the arguments and authors that it uses as support and the thesis or theses that structure it .

The keywords must be from five to seven and come from a thesaurus of the discipline. For example, the UNESCO Thesaurus or the Institute of Documentary Studies on Science and Technology.

The articles will be received with a maximum of four tables and / or figures; The latter are a complementary visual aid presented in the form of photographs, graphs, diagrams or drawings. Each one, table or figure, must have a title and submit a quote at the bottom giving credit to the original author. The figures and tables will be numbered consecutively independently.

For the references and the citation, the APA guidelines will be used, sixth edition.

Types of articles

The articles can be written in any language and may correspond in their structure with the following types of text:

1) Scientific and technological research article. Document that presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of completed research projects. For this journal, the structure of scientific and technological research articles must contain six sections: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions and references.

2) Reflection article derived from research. Document that presents research results completed from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. Its structure is: introduction, development, conclusions and references.

3) Review article or state of the art. Document that presents the organization, integration and evaluation of a series of investigations carried out around an area or specific problem of addictions. Its purpose is to disclose to the scientific community the current status of the investigation surrounding this matter. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references, as current as possible. Its structure is: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions and references.

4) Theoretical article. It is the meticulous analysis of a theory or of several of its concepts. Its objective is to qualify the theoretical foundations of the discipline.

5) Case study. Document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation, in order to make known the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a systematic review of the literature on similar cases.

6) Editorial. Document written by a member of the editorial committee or a guest researcher on guidelines in the thematic domain of the journal.

7) Scientific Note. Communicates results of small studies, findings of difficult cases to diagnose, or preliminary results of complex studies that provide new knowledge or hypotheses for future studies. The maximum length is eight pages.

Peer Review Process


The process of evaluation of articles in Drugs and Addictive Behavior consists of 4 steps:1. Thematic evaluation, structure and citation rules. 2. Analysis of similarity with other publications. 3. Peer evaluation and, 4. Verdict. The evaluation process is described below:

1. Thematic evaluation, structure and citation rules. The pertinence of the text is evaluated with the approach declared by the journal, in addition to complying with the criteria described in the authors' guide. In case it does not respond to these parameters, it is returned to the author; if you have to make style or content adjustments, you are asked to make the corrections and make a new shipment in a time adjusted to the editing schedule; If the article meets the aforementioned conditions, the second stage of the process is continued.
2. Analysis of similarity with other publications. In order to identify if the articles are original and unpublished and to avoid possible copies and plagiarism, professional technology is used to compare manuscripts with others already disseminated through different digital media, including with the participating academic publications of Crossref. The technological system generates a report and index of similarity; if the latter is greater than 25% the cause of the result is analyzed and if this has to do with lack of originality the article is discarded; If, on the other hand, the index is 25% or less, the article continues in the third stage of the process. From the report are identified, errors in the handling of the citations and references, adequate use of the primary sources and credibility of the information.
3. Evaluation by pairs. The articles are submitted to the opinion of peer evaluators under the modality of double blind, that is to say, that the information is confidential in both ways, for evaluators and authors; to this is added that among the latter, personal data and evaluative concepts are not disclosed. Once the evaluation of the article has begun, the authors undertake not to withdraw it until the end of the process. The estimated time between receipt of the article and the evaluation is three (3) months. This period may vary depending on the subject of the article and other editorial processes.

Selection of evaluators: the journal has a database of national and international academic researchers, with experience in the subject, supported by scientific publications. For each article, two evaluators are assigned who meet the following requirements: levels of master's training and preferably, doctorate; no conflict of interests regarding the subject or article that they evaluate; not belong to the editorial committee or the journal scientist, nor to the Luis Amigó Catholic University; If you are Colombian, you must be recognized by Colciencias, otherwise, have a graduate degree or an H5 index greater than 2.
Review of articles: the address of the journal gives the arbitrators the article accompanied by an evaluation format in which the following formal and thematic elements are addressed:
Relevance of the article according to the interests of the journal
Correspondence of the title with the theme
Validity of the subject
Use of terms and concepts according to the discipline
Relevance of graphs, tables and figures
Appropriate use of citations and references
Current references
Novelty of work
Theoretical-methodological rigor
Text coherence
4. Verdict: the format closes with three alternative opinions:
1. "It is published without modifications"
2. "It is published with corrections"
3. "It is not published."

If both evaluators consider that the article "is not published", the magazine's address communicates the decision to the author and sends, as support, the result of the evaluations delivered by the arbitrators. If both reviewers agree that the article "is published without modifications", the author is informed of the decision and the article is sent to the editing phase. If an evaluator considers that the article should be published without modifications and another indicates that "it is published with corrections", the author is informed about the changes that must be implemented and the date on which the document must be sent with the corrections requested. If one of the two qualifies the text as "not publishable", while the other favors it, the magazine's management will appoint a third arbitrator (maintaining the "double blind" modality) to settle the controversy. Once the third evaluation has been received, the author will be informed of the opinion.

Rejection grounds are considered:
• Plagiarism and self-plagiarism, adulteration, invention or falsification of content and author data, and that the article is not unpublished and original.
• That the content of the texts does not have a level of originality equal to or greater than 75%.
• The existence of conflicts of interest.
• Non-compliance with the guidelines for authors.
• Writing in obscene, abusive, defamatory, abusive or in any way contrary to the human dignity or good name of a natural or legal person.
• Detection of data collected without the necessary permissions of natural or legal persons in these involved.
• Lack of theoretical support, lack of rigor in the presentation of the results derived from a research, doubtful exposure of data or results.
• Attempt against ethical practices and good practices of the publication.
• Among others that, according to the dynamics of the evaluation, attempt against the academic quality, the ethical practices or the good name of the journal and the Institution that finances it.
• Any information or act that goes against national and international copyright and child protection laws.

Communication with the authors
• The editorial decisions will be informed to the authors in a timely manner, in respectful terms and seeking mutual learning.
• Each stage of the editorial process, publication and disclosure will be notified to the authors, who in use of their rights may make and request changes to the text until they are informed of the public disposition of the designed material.
Causes of suspension of the publication of the article
• The detection during any stage of the process of any of the rejection terms described in this section.
• Doubt or dispute of authorship and co-authorship.
• Request of the authors of any type of privileges.
• The committees will ensure the academic quality of the journal; therefore, their opinions are consulted periodically and they will be aware of the online layout of the final magazine.
• The editor-director, the committees and the evaluators will be free to express their opinion on the feasibility of publishing the article.
• The journal will not reveal to the evaluators the names of the authors, and vice versa, as long as the process of editing and reviewing the texts is completed. The evaluating group will be published in the preliminary pages of each issue.
• In no case, the address of the journal will require the author to cite it or one of the members of its team of collaborators.
• The evaluators declare the inexistence of conflicts of interest; that is to say, that its concept is not biased by any type of convenience: financial, labor, professional, personal or any other from which a non-objective judgment on the text can be inferred.

Model without charge
• The journal does not pay the authors for their contributions or generates fees for the activities of the editorial process or publication.
• No economic remuneration is generated to the evaluators or members of the committees.
• All costs of editorial production, publication and dissemination are assumed by the Luis Amigó Catholic University.

Publication Frequency

The journal Drugs and Addictive Behavior is a semi-annual serial publication.

Free access magazine.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making the results of research available and generating the global knowledge exchange.

License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Under the following terms:
Attribution - You must give credit appropriately, provide a link to the license, and indicate whether changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable way, but not in a way that suggests that you or your use have the support of the licensor.

NonCommercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

SinDerivadas - If you remix, transform or create from the material, you can not distribute the modified material.

No additional restrictions - You can not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from making any use permitted by the license.


The author or authors may have additional rights in their articles as established in their agreement with the publisher. The authors are morally and legally responsible for the content of their articles, as well as respect for copyright. Therefore, these do not compromise Luis Amigó Catholic University or its Editorial Fund in any way.
The magazine and the individual texts that are disclosed herein are protected by copyright laws and the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative 4.0 International License. © 2018 Luis Amigó Catholic University.

Publication and disclosure
• The complete journal and the individual texts are published in PDF formats in the Open Journal Systems (in the following link: http://www.funlam.edu.co/revistas/index.php/DAB/issue/archive). Likewise, Drugs and Addictive Behavior has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for both complete numbers and articles, which facilitates its location on the Internet, a tool that guarantees the preservation of access to the content of the journal in the event that it leaves to be published
• Once the inclusion of the texts in the journal is approved, the advance publication is generated, with the purpose of responding to the needs of validity of the content and the requirements of the authors and the medium. This provisional edition contains the latest version sent by the authors, without the style correction, the translation or the layout being made yet.
• The magazine Drugs and Addictive Behavior uses, among other media, social and academic networks to disseminate its content.

Periodicity of the publication
Drugs and Addictive Behavior is a semi-annual serial publication. It publishes two numbers per year corresponding to the periods January-June and July-December.
Receiving contributions
The proposed texts are sent through the Open Journal Systems (OJS), administration software and publication of journals that allows the follow-up of the documents in their different stages or to the email drugsaddictivebeh@amigo.edu.co, the online shipments require username and password, which can be requested at http://www.funlam.edu.co/revistas/index.php/DAB/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions
• Printed items will not be received. Consultations for the referral can be sent to the magazine's email (drugsaddictivebeh@amigo.edu.co).
• The address of the journal will respond within a maximum of three (3) days about the receipt of the contribution.
• The author must complete the declaration of transfer of economic rights and declaration of conflicts of interest (provided by the management of the journal), thereby giving all the rights of the article to the journal Drugs and Addictive Behavior.
• Partial versions of the text will not be received, that is, those that are not structurally adjusted to the type of article.
• Once the article is sent, it is understood that the author authorizes the publication of the personal data related in the author's note.
• The receipt of articles does not oblige the journal to publish them.


Editor's responsibilities
• Decisions on the articles will be taken according to the approaches of this guide, seeking to be objective and transparent in the process.
• The articles will be accepted for academic merit and not for the influence of academic institutions sponsoring the research from which the contribution results.
• Respond responsibly and diligently to situations that are generated by inappropriate ethical practices and that put into question the credibility of the Luis Amigó Catholic University, the journal Drugs and Addictive Behavior, the authors, the research sponsoring institutions and the other actors linked to the magazine.
• Communicate to the authors in a timely and clear manner the dynamics of the process of evaluation, publication and publication of the article with the purpose of demonstrating the transparency and objectivity of the process.
• Appropriately manage the academic or personal data in addition to those requested in the author's note and guarantee that they will be used only for the inclusion of the journal in Indexing and Summary Systems.
• It will not reveal to the evaluators the names of the authors, and vice versa, as long as the editing and revision of the texts is carried out.
• In no case, the editor of the magazine will demand the author to cite it or publish articles with conflict of interests.

Responsibility of the evaluators
• Declare the existence of conflicts of interest when the case is presented.
• Ensure that your opinion is derived from an objective evaluation and not biases associated with religious beliefs, sexual orientations, policies or financial, labor or professional considerations that may influence the opinion.
• Inform the editor of Drugs and Addictive Behavior about possible attacks against good ethical practices and the implications that these entail.

Responsibility of the authors
• The authors must declare that the work is original, unpublished and is not being evaluated simultaneously in another journal.
• The authors agree to respect the national and international laws of Copyright and Child Protection.
• Authors must state explicitly in their contribution on behalf of the entities that financed the development of the research that led to the contribution.
• The authors agree not to remove the article after the peer evaluation, if this determines the viability of the publication.
• The authors must participate in the evaluation process, taking into account the adjustments that the peer reviewers make to their contribution, provided that they help to improve the academic quality of the same.
• If the article is presented as a co-authorship, the authors related to the contribution should have participated in a meaningful manner in its elaboration.
• In case of doubt or dispute of authorship and co-authorship, the editing process and the publication of the text will be suspended until it is resolved.
• Authors are obliged to submit retractions or corrections of errors if necessary.

Procedure to resolve conflicts arising from unethical behavior
• Identify, before ensuring that unethical behavior is incurred, the nature of the fault and the evidence that corroborates it.
• Do not issue any judgment or observation associated with particular situations that are under study until all the evidence has been gathered and there is full certainty of the existence of the fault.
• Present before the editorial board the evidence corresponding to the case so that it considers, according to the nature of the fault, the actions that will be taken against the misconduct.
Among the actions that could be applied, depending on the nature of the fault, we have:
• Inform the author about the lack, correct it and call attention so that it is not incurred in future publications.
• Formal retraction with publication of an editorial note informing the reason for the retraction and drawing attention to the importance of good ethical practices.
• Retro of the article with publication of an editorial note in which the reason for the withdrawal is reported and attention is drawn to the importance of good ethical practices.
• Inform financial, academic or commercial entities about the lack and implications of the same in order to promote good ethical practices among its researchers.

• If once the article is published: 1) the publisher discovers plagiarism, adulteration, invention or falsification of data of the content and the author or substantive errors that attempt against the quality or scientificity, may request its removal or correction. 2) A third party detects the error, it is the obligation of the author to retract immediately and proceed to the public removal or correction.
• The opinions contained in the articles are attributable exclusively to the authors; therefore, Luis Amigó Catholic University is not responsible for what they may generate.
• All complaints will be received in writing by email (drugsaddictivebeh@amigo.edu.co). The maximum response time will be five business days from the receipt of the disagreement.

CrossMark Policy


The Luis Amigó Catholic University uses Crossmark to keep its readers informed about the changes and the history of the articles published in its journals, in such a way that its contents are reliable.

CrossMark is an initiative of CrossRef that allows to control the versions and the state of the document. Thus, the Luis Amigó Catholic University demonstrates that
recognizes the importance of maintaining the integrity of the articles, as these are academic and investigative records.