
Sometimes we are

Andrés Alfredo Castrillón C.

How to cite this article in APA:

Castrillón, A. A. (2023). Sometimes we are [Editorial]. Poiésis, (44). DOI: https://doi.org/10.21501/16920945.4676

Sometimes you are tired of being what you are so. You do not want to be it more. The thing that you are continues as long as you are. Although you do not want to be the thing you are more, it will only finish with the grace of a shot, the compassion of a heart attack, by a fair death free. If the person who is, is an idiot, an idiot will be until he dies, otherwise, the person turns his being and join the turn, his existence, his life. Stop being to be someone is the only way to change. From an idiot to keen to say something. When does the person decide on the change? When does this variation take place? When is the turn given? When is the mutation? When is change? Change is not extreme. Over there is always a thing that belongs to the past. The being divides itself and loses intensity in one of its parts but never loses it. Moreover, people are not always the same and never have been the same, even if you do not believe there is something before, during, and maybe after.

People generally think they have been the same life long, and the only thing that has changed is the physical aspect, preserving themselves like something is a memory about things that were, are, and will be. Could it be like that? The variety of phenomena in which people produce the empty plastic bottle effect the wind moving with its consideration, or with the kick of someone, or the accelerated movement of a bus where someone leaves the bottle that rods side by side and crashes with the shoes against chair banisters. The cultures, the habits, the knacks, the social bonds, the poor person, the miserable person, the person who has something, the rich person, the politicians, the religious people, teachers, the school, the society, the idiosyncrasy, the weather, the geography, the ways to speech, the corporations, young and older people, laborers and their boss, the owner and his employees, you and me, we all complicate the life ourselves, and this way people is not the same lifelong.

When people are tired, their tired does not have to do necessarily resignation and suicide; It cannot be an irrational act, a revolution of the same, an expulsion of insignificant things that you are, counting since eight million where everyone is a zero, a left zero; one blurs all, one are these; these are that, and this that is indifferent to the one; One does not personalize nor differentiate between them when a person is one is at the same time whoever. Also, when is the abstract "Me" one impersonal "Me" personal pronoun in the first singular person still works for one and another, still works for many, for all in Spanish, you can learn to say "me".

Deciding to be what you are or be anyone required does not get lost in the one; it is the most difficult and risky demand. Overcoming the tiredness, avoiding the bore of one, being one without remain in the one, stop being, sometimes you think in that, and you want, but does the thinking carry out? Is it made? We need to try it; otherwise, it is in the middle of the one.

Author notes

Andrés Alfredo Castrillón C.

Filósofo. Magíster en Literatura de la Universidad de Antioquia, docente Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. Integrante del grupo de investigación Filosofía y Teología Crítica. Medellín-Colombia, andres.castrillonca@amigo.edu.co, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5136-9997.