
Hernando Alberto Bernal Zuluaga

How to cite this article in APA:

Bernal Zuluaga, H. A. (2021). Presentation. Poiésis, (40), 9-11. DOI:

Poiesis publishes the edition No. 40, the most recent after its 20th anniversary. Another edition made with care from the modality of teleworking, given the confinement in which we are subjected by the pandemic because of the Covid-19; nowadays the realization of a digital journal can be managed and published from any space, making a judicious work and using properly the technological tools required for the different processes of editing and publishing. The editorial has been made by Master Myriam Ríos, psychologist at the University of Antioquia and teacher at the Secretary of Education of Medellín, in which she talks about the importance of reading in these times of pandemic that we are suffering, so that alludes to the biography of three men very present in Western culture, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Oscar Wilde and Sigmund Freud, who were passionate about reading.

Regarding the contents of the journal, in the section “Local Contributors”, readers will find six articles; the first is entitled An approach from social ecology to the reading of territory in the intervention of social work (Ariza Castañeda et al., 2021), a reflection article that makes a reading of territory to carry out processes of environmental management and territorial planning, based primarily on the practices and knowledge of Social Work intervention carried out in the departments of Antioquia and Caldas. The second text in this section is entitled Relatos sobre el acorralamiento del mal (Álzate Vélez, 2021), a text that presents two stories of people who lived the experience of war in Colombia; with it you will learn about the fear of death, destruction, exile, danger and misery left in its wake by the hatred expressed in the war in this country. The third text is entitled Executive functions: a review of their theoretical foundation (Arcos Rodríguez, 2021), in which the foundations of executive functions are established, following the definition of lower and higher brain functions, establishing the relationship between executive functions and anatomical and functional structure, and an integrative model of these functions is made.

A fourth text is entitled Community, get up and walk: theoretical reflection and critique in the light of liberation psychology. (Rivera Álzate, 2021), an essay that aims to reflect, theoretically and critically, on the historical reality of the Colombian community, seeking to recognize the power it has to transform the emerging problems it suffers. The fifth of the titles in this section is called Relationship between the use of social networks and executive functions (Giraldo Giraldo et al., 2021), the authors make a contextualization of digital tools and the use of smartphones in the interaction of human beings, aiming to describe the way in which young people use online social networks and when there is a problematic use of these and relate it to the executive functions of the prefrontal lobe. The sixth and last of the texts in this section is entitled Pictograms in technology and their meanings in couple relationships (Montoya Gallego et al., 2021), in which the authors report on research conducted in the city of Medellín to understand the effects of images or pictograms (emojis) in current couple relationships.

The second section of our journal, “Reading essays”, contains two of the texts presented at the XL conference held on October 20, 2020 by the digital platform Zoom. The first of these works is called Logics of love in the contemporary era (Pineda Sánchez, 2021), the author makes a reflection on the disjunction between love and capitalism, based on the theory that psychoanalysis makes on the understanding of love life in the human being, contrasting it with the position of the subject in the capitalist discourse.


Alzate Vélez, L. (2021). Relatos sobre el acorralamiento del mal. Poiésis, (40), 25-38

Arcos Rodríguez, V. A. (2021). Funciones ejecutivas: Una revisión de su fundamentación teórica. Poiésis, (40), 39-51

Ariza Castañeda, C. V., González Romero, D. T., Betancur Sánchez, P. A., Supelano Castro, A., Posada Muñoz, E. M., Arboleda Ibarguen, D., Castrillón Patiño, N. L., & Arboleda Romaña, L. (2021). Un acercamiento desde la ecología social a la lectura de territorio en la intervención del trabajo social. Poiésis, (40), 17-24

Giraldo Giraldo, Y., Moreno Montoya, J. F., Madrigal Zuluaga, N., Alzate Echavarria, M., Torres Zapata, C., Hincapié Aguirre, N., Pérez Palacio, A. C., Salgado Pérez, A. G., & Morales Betancur, J. D. Relación entre el uso de redes sociales y las funciones ejecutivas. Poiésis (40), 57-72

Montoya Gallego, D. M., Álvarez Paniagua, K., Castaño Posada, M., & Mejía Zapata, S. (2021). Pictogramas en la tecnología y sus significados en las relaciones de pareja. , (40), 73-84

Pineda Sánchez, Y, V. (2021). Lógicas del amor en la era contemporánea. Poiésis, (40), 86-89

Rivera Alzate, J. D. (2021). Comunidad, levántate y anda: reflexión teórica y crítica a la luz de la psicología de la liberación. Poiésis, (40), 52-56

Notas de autor

Hernando Alberto Bernal Zuluaga

Magíster en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, Universidad de Antioquia. Docente Asociado, Programa de Psicología, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. Director/Editor Poiésis, Medellín-Colombia. Contacto: