
Andrés Alfredo Castrillón Castrillón

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Castrillón Castrillón, A. A. (2024). [Presentation]. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 15(1), 10-12.

Volume 15, Number 1 contains works whose results provide analyses from various perspectives, including philosophical considerations, on social phenomena as well as educational, economic, social and administrative organization, and citizen participation in political situations that involve them. These are of scientific interest to different disciplines.

We begin with the editorial titled “Why are we so susceptible to biases derived from facial perception?” by Antonio Olivera-La Rosa, Eliana Aristizábal, and Yesid Felipe Tapias Medina. In this editorial, the authors analyze the social behaviour that often leads to value judgments about unfamiliar faces, not always aligned with the morality of the person being seen for the first time. They provide an overview of this practice, highlighting how susceptible we are to the faces of others and how our own faces are exposed to the judgments of others. This cognitive process allows us to quickly gather information about others and make decisions based on trust or caution.

In the letter to the editor titled “Men’s Relationship to Patriarchy: Reflections on Masculinity and Role Models” by Till Hentschel, the author reflects on the notions of masculinity and patriarchy in the Western context. He questions the traditional view of masculinity, where men are seen as authoritative figures at the center of social and public activities. He also questions the attitudes of both men and women who accept the established positions of comfort and privilege within patriarchy and calls for a reevaluation of this situation.

Moving on to the research articles, we start with “Influence of social Background on access to Higher Education: the case of Social Work” by Edinson Gabriel Brand Monsalve, Yeny Magaly Gómez Aristizabal, Natalia Lopera Osorio, and Erika Yuliet Álvarez Calle. This work presents the results of an analysis of factors affecting access, graduation, and integration into the job market in relation to the social background of the respondents. Students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds often had to work while studying, which affected their academic performance.

The next research article is titled “Factors Affecting Participation in Groups for Disaster Knowledge and Risk Reduction” by Lila María Cortés Fonnegra, Pedro Ignacio Arcos González, and Rafael Vicente Castro Delgado. The study investigates the construction of community strategies to address disaster risk management in Medellín, Colombia.

The article “Characteristics of Reflective Parenting Studies in Colombia” by Ovidio Herrera Rivera, Ledy Maryory Bedoya Cardona, Juan Esteban Zapata Zapata, and Sonia Elena López Pulgarín focuses on identifying the types of research conducted on reflective parenting in the past decade with a qualitative approach. Given the limited availability of national documents on this topic, the authors expanded their research to international literature.

In Kids' perceptions on gaming experience and learning with the Nintendo Labo: Multiple “make” and “play” experiences by John Cano and Megan Chow, the authors examine the perceptions of participants who explored the Nintendo Labo game and analyze how this experience allowed them to use their prior knowledge to understand science-related content.

In “The desire was placed in the militancy. Paradoxes and gender reappropriations in the experience of revolutionary women (Argentina, 1970)”, María Florencia Actis analyzes the experiences of women in armed organizations and how their participation, reflections, and practices exhibited feminist attitudes even before being influenced by gender theory.

The article “Support and Social Networks of Older People Living on the Streets” by Diva Marcela García, Margarita Medina, and Miriam Lúcar characterizes the support networks, both formal and informal, available to interviewed older adults in a specific area of Bogotá, Colombia, offering a theoretical approach to this issue.

The article “The reproduction of life at capitalist tempo. An approach to institutional childbirth from Marx’s theory of value” by Ana Inés Lázzaro relates institutional childbirth in hospitals to capitalism as a mode of production and reproduction of goods and people.

We conclude with the article titled “Desire, acceptance, and will to exterminate: on the ultimate foundations of exterminist violence” by Alberto Javier Ribes. This article provides an approach to the foundations of extermination violence and the desire for the extermination of others, emphasizing the importance of a theoretical review of this phenomenon, which has affected millions of people.

In the section on review articles, we have “Predicting developmental dyslexia prior reading instruction: a systematic review” by Cristina Quiroga Bernardos, Santiago López Gómez, Patricia María Iglesias Souto, and Eva María Taboada Ares. This article aims to identify psycholinguistic skills assessed prior to reading instruction that can help detect reading difficulties and guide early intervention.

In the article “Decision-Making in Ancient Philosophy: Practical Wisdom” by Juan Diego Lopera Echavarría, Jonathan Echeverri Álvarez, Jesús Goenaga Peña, and Horacio Manrique Tisnés, the authors review practical wisdom as a foundation for decision-making in times of uncertainty.

In the section of reflection articles derived from research, we have “Public School: Between Compensation and Inclusive Education” by Víctor Hugo Durán Camelo and Alexandra Arias Pinzón, which focuses on the analysis of inclusion as a transformative experience in the context of public schools, examining the roles of individuals, teacher knowledge, and policies for diverse student populations.

The article “The Narrative of a crisis that connects Us: Notes for an alternative history of the Replicability Crisis” by Alejandro Granados García reflects on the reframing of the narrative surrounding the replicability crisis in psychology, aiming to broaden its generative horizons, both ontologically and ethically/politically within the discipline.

We conclude with the article “Reappropriation of Public Space by Social Movements: The Experience of the Communes of Cali in 2021” by Odín Ávila Rojas explores the social phenomenon through which community movements in the Communes of Cali produced a re-signification and reappropriation of the city through various sociocultural manifestations.

Finally, the journal joins in the commemoration of the 40th institutional anniversary and the relevance given by the university to the participation of researchers, women and men, in the construction of knowledge and science as a human product that provides it with a base close to everyone, to a certain extent.