
Academic journals and responsibility

Andrés Alfredo Castrillón Castrillón

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Castrillón Castrillón, A. A. (2023). Academic journals and responsibility [Presentation]. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 14(1), pp. 10-12. DOI:

The articles that make up this new issue expose relevant topics of interest to the social sciences, which aim to study situations that impact societies today. The title of the presentation is an allusion to the editorial of Professor Oscar Licandro, who reflects on the commons and social responsibility of academic journals, a part of this work falls on publishers and universities. The professor considers that the term common goods can be extended to knowledge and its dissemination produced in the universities that is co-opted by agencies external to the universities themselves and that above all they profit and impose unequal standards on a global level, in which the latin American region is clearly affected. We invite you to read the editorial and establish dialog with the author and researchers.

The research articles section begins with the article “The difficult access of women to power in Mexican universities” by Lourdes Consuelo Pacheco Ladrón de Guevara, Maria del Refugio Navarro Hernandez and Laura Isabel Cayeros Lopez, in this one the segregation suffered by women is made visible, thereby inhibiting much of their access to power. It is a subject that must be given the greatest interest. It continues with Perceptions around education on times of pandemic by school education teachers in Colombia, Argentina and Chile by John Jairo Pérez, Lilia Nakayama and Karen Fredes, this is a work that analyzes the incidence of confinement in the educational field that was reflected in the assessments on the use of technologies, the impact on emotions, the use of time, among others. In “Transversality, WhatsApp, Smartphone and Social Networks at Work, socialization and individuality by Leonel Ruvalcaba Arredondo, Leticia del Carmen Rios Rodriguez, Eduardo Alejandro Carmona and Aida Janet Lopez Gonzalez opens the discussion about the use of this mobile application in working hours specifically on public servers of the office of a municipal mayor. On the other hand, Bonds, autonomy and mental health in young adults of the reintegration process in Colombia by José Zapata García, Diana Laverde Gallego, Juan Guillermo Manrique López, Diego Mauricio Aponte Canencio, Shennya Ruiz Parra and Alicia S. Durán explores the connections established between the development of autonomy and the mental health problems generated by the armed conflict in ex-combatants reintegrated into Colombian civil society. Also, in the article The game as a peace-building scenario in contexts of armed conflict in Colombia by David Arturo Ospina Ramírez, María Camila Ospina Alvarado made visible the affectation suffered by some children due to the armed conflict and the possibilities they have to face this situation through play as a transformer of their lives. In Social supports from peasant families to maintain health by Liliana Orozco Castillo, Diana Paola Betancurth Loaiza, Alexandra Giraldo-Osorio, the researchers conducted their study in five paths in the rural area of the municipality of Villamaría (Caldas, Colombia) in order to understand the social aid and assistance received by peasants in this sector.

In the article The internationalization of research in emerging countries: perspectives of internationalization managers in Colombia by Tania Isabel Lafont Castillo, Luisa Echeverria King, Olisney de Luque Montano, Andrea Lozada Cantillo and Liliana Patricia Alvarez Ruiz Researchers analyzed the management of research internationalization processes in Colombian universities and its relationship with development in emerging countries. In the work “Institutional capacity of the municipality of Maicao to respond to the demand for services. Education and health in migration crisis” by Doris Isabel Acuña Medina, David Roberto Acuña Torres and Carmen Milagro Romero Zuñiga, the authors, based on a constructivist approach, study and analyze the institutional capacity to respond to demands for fundamental services in the face of high migration. Through a quantitative study, the article “Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding dengue in families of commune one, Villavicencio – Colombia” by Leidy Johanna Hernández Cristancho, Emilce Salamanca Ramos and Ruth Ángela Gómez Scarpetta determined the level of knowledge about dengue and prevention measures in a sector of the city of Villavicencio, Colombia.

In this issue we present two review articles. The first of these is Status of the art of the participatory budget in the eastern corridor of Pasto by Nancy Andrea Belalcazar Benavides, Monica Manduby Rosero Bacca and Paula Andrea Rosero Lombana whose objective was to consolidate the state of scientific, governmental, academic documentation. social and private on participatory budget for the periods 1995 to 2017. The other article isStatus of the art of the participatory budget in the eastern corridor of Pasto by Luz Alexandra Montoya Restrepo, Ivan Alonso Montoya Restrepo, Maria Camila Bermeo Giraldo and Fabio Rodrigo Leiva Baron in which an examination of the scenarios and strategies used in agricultural production is made in response to the post-COVID-19 situation.

We also have three reflection articles, Memory of the recent past in school: a perspective from multiple literacy by Juan Carlos Amador who exposes the contributions of multiple literacies to the pedagogy of memory, from informational-digital literacy and the media. In turn, the article “The social impacts of the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 in Mexico” by Ruben Dario Ramirez Sanchez and Daniar Chavez Jiménez studies the economic and social effects that the pandemic caused on Mexican society and the changes in coexistence and community. And the article An approach to women's leadership in peacebuilding by Luisa Fernanda Pardo Parra and Daniel Andrés Bonilla Montenegro reflects on the experience and possibilities of leadership of women whose process has contributed to peace.

Finally, we present the review of Professor Eguzki Urteaga, entitled “Llorca, R. (2021): La marque Macron. On the publication of Raphaël Llorca, a book that, according to Professor Urteaga, analyzes the potentialities of the brand, at the axiological, narrative and aesthetic levels to think about the political field and the performance of the rulers, and sets as an example the brand of President Macron.

We invite you once again to send your work and participate in the dialogue based on the research disseminated in our journal.