Some work of the journal

Andrés Alfredo Castrillón Castrillón

How to cite this article in APA:

Castrillón Castrillón, A. A. (2021). Algunas labores de la revista [Presentación]. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 12(2), 434-437.

One of the tasks of the Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales is the publication of scientific articles, focused on revision or reflection on current issues or problem nuclei at the international, regional and local levels. But also, it publishes theoretical articles that analyze the conceptualization and dialogue with referents that structure the guidelines of the same social sciences. The study and analysis of social phenomena is, therefore, an essential component of the work of researchers who risk an understanding of the dynamics of populations or societies affected by actions that have an impact on scientific interest. In this sense, the articles in this issue constitute a significant sample of the extensive research activity from the different fields and disciplines of these sciences.

In this sense, the large second number with which this volume 12 closes, has the particularity of linking diverse areas of the social sciences and expanding research to the field of the arts, as well as to the theorization of anthropology. In total there are 19 articles that make up the research, review, reflection derived from research and theoretical sections that address substantial issues of changing and hyper-connected societies.

The editorial of this number, “Epistemología de la Educación Inclusiva” by Professor Aldo Ocampo González, reflects on the complex, but indispensable issue of inclusive education based on theoretical and problematic references that drive the current dialogue. Discussion that, as it is exposed in the text, is not exempt from multiple mistakes and certain inaccuracies due to its epistemological and conceptual bases so differential, peculiar and changing. In the case of the research articles, there are a total of eleven works with topics such as suicide, emotions, disorders as a result of the Colombian armed conflict, education, street dwellers and on the sexual disorders of women in climacteric.

The first, “Orientación suicida y su relación con factores psicológicos y sociodemográficos en estudiantes universitarios” by Anyerson Stiths Gómez Tabares and Yunis Beisy Montalvo Peralta offers an analysis of the level of risk and suicidal ideation linked to social, psychological and demographic factors of this student population. “Compasión, celos y envidia: emociones sociales y cyberbullying entre adolescentes” by Andrés Marín Cortés, Daniela Palacio, Jackeline Medina and Andrés Carmona aims to understand the experiences of adolescents involved as aggressors or bystanders in cyberbullying situations around the three social emotions indicated in the title. In a similar vein, the article “El papel de las emociones en los procesos de resistencia civil no armada y construcción de paz en Medellín” by Heidi Smith Pulido Varón and Nicolasa María Durán Palacio analyzes the political emotions that have been motives for peacebuilding in some sectors of Medellín promoted by community leaders. For its part, “ Caracterización y posibles trastornos en la implementación de las habilidades sociales en universitarios víctimas del conflicto armado en Boyacá, Colombia” by Liliana Paola Muñoz Gómez, Its objective consisted of a definition of social skills and their characterization in a population of university students, whose suffering arose as a result of the Colombian armed conflict, generating disorders.

In the article, “ Disfunciones y trastornos sexuales en mujeres en climaterio: pacientes del Instituto Nacional de Perinatología” by the researchers Evangelina Aldana Calva and Gabriela Cervantes Álvarez, the presence of sexual dysfunctions and disorders, such as hypoactive, and the factors associated with them. In “ Educación Ciudadana y el proceso de construcción del Posacuerdo en Colombia: una propuesta desde la Universidad” by Camilo Arturo Contreras Tiguaque, Diego Andrés Ardila Valderrama, Miguel Antonio Rosso Jaimes proposes, starting with the implementation of the peace agreements, to work in the strengthening of citizen training processes in professionals at the Universitaria Agustiniana.

Related to the previous topic of the Colombian post-agreement, the article “E-Learning: herramienta para la formación en emprendimiento social y saberes tradicionales de jóvenes víctimas del conflicto” by Patricia Jissette Rodríguez Sánchez, Andrea Juliet Celis León, Fernando Jiménez Rubio analyzes the relationship between social entrepreneurship and traditional knowledge through the technological tool E-learning as a process of training and appropriation of knowledge. In Juan David Zabala Sandoval’s work “La calle de Ibagué y sus lugares desde las dinámicas de reconocimiento y menosprecio de habitantes de y en calle”, Julián David Bocanegra Correa identified and typified the practices of recognition and contempt of street housing in the center of the city of Ibagué. Along the same lines of housing, the text “Reconocimiento social en habitantes de calle en Medellín, Colombia” by María Jimena Osorio Salazar, Emerson José Caro Cencio, Maricelly Gómez Vargas exposes the results of the study carried out on the processes of constitution of recognition intersubjective social through interviews with a group of participants between street dwellers and other actors. For its part, the work “Perfil social y económico de los pacientes diagnosticados con trastornos del humor del Hospital Departamental Psiquiátrico Universitario del Valle–Cali” by José Fernando Sánchez Salcedo, Sandra Viviana Ríos Castañeda and Mateo Montes Martínez presented a study on the social profile, economic and demographic of the population with mood disorders registered in said hospital between 2009 and 2018 and that belonged to the government program Sistema de Identificación de Potenciales Beneficiarios de Programas Sociales. Finally, the article “Dinámicas familiares: un factor determinante en la reincidencia juvenil de conductas delictivas” by Sebastian Toro Vélez analyzes the relationship between criminal behavior and family dynamics in young recidivists deprived of liberty who were at the Toribio Maya Training Institute of the City of Popayán Cauca.

In the section of review articles, the work entitled “Challenges and advances in the implementation of education for peace in Latin America” by Carlos Alfredo Pérez Fuentes, Annie Julieth Alvarez Maestre is published, whose purpose is to analyze the cases in which it was implemented. education for peace in Latin America. In addition, the authors seek to draw the attention of the authorities and the community itself to the need to re-evaluate educational models to design an independent or cross-sectional curriculum that is better adapted to what each State requires, according to its own circumstances.

Initiating the articles for reflection derived from research is the work “ Abordajes comunitarios en salud mental en el primer nivel de atención: conceptos y prácticas desde una perspectiva integral” in which the researcher Claudia Bang carried out a conceptual and analytical approach to practices that allow problematizing the inclusion of community strategies in comprehensive mental health approaches in order to promote the development of participatory actions and the strengthening of community ties of solidarity. In “De todas maneras, al final estaremos solos: implicaciones futuras de la decisión de no tener hijos” by Andrea Hernández Quirama, Héctor Mauricio Rojas Betancur, a study is carried out that analyzes the implication that the autonomous decision can have in old age of some adults not having children.

The article “Arts-based health research. Reflections from the Madrid health experience ”by Noemí Ávila Valdés takes aspects of the arts-based health research model that was put into practice in that Spanish city to review what relevant aspects and challenges this approach offers. On the other hand, as a result of the violence and the practices carried out by armed groups to intimidate the inhabitants and ethnic communities whose territories are rich in natural resources, the work “Comunidades étnicas y conflicto armado: algunas dificultades para la gobernabilidad en territorios de comunidades étnicas en Riosucio-Chocó” by Wilmar Alexánder Cano López and Luz América Lozano Mayo reflects on the need to promote the governance and autonomy of these communities for the benefit of their own territories. Finally, in “Revisión crítica de las perspectivas sociológicas sobre las psicoterapias: aportes para comprender una de las prácticas más influyentes en los modelos del yo contemporáneos” by Andrés Felipe Astaíza Martínez and Mateo Parra Giraldo examines the topicality of critical sociological perspectives with regarding psychotherapies in contrast to other psychotherapeutic approaches less close to the logics of modernity.

Finally, two theoretical articles are published, the first “Trascendiendo el todo y las partes: universalismo, escritura y ética en la antropología” by Juan Camilo Perdomo Marín in which he analyzes the logical configuration through which anthropology conceptualizes its objects of study from the relationship between the whole and its parts. This number closes the article “ El estudio de las Emociones desde Giro Afectivo a las prácticas y atmósferas afectivas” by Cristian Bedoya Dorado, Nelson Molina Valencia, which establishes a discussion on the implications of the linguistic turn in the study of emotions, also presents the contribution of some proposals that have integrated discursive and affective perspectives in redefining emotions.