
Juan Diego Betancur Arias

How to cite this article in APA: Betancur Arias, J. D. (2024). Presentation. Ciencia y Acaademia, (5). DOI:

The fifth edition of the Ciencia y Academia jouenal joins in the celebration of institutional life and seeks to highlight how the substantive function of research has undergone transformation over time. Recognizing the historical lines of research, their trajectories, forms, and new ways of producing knowledge at the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó establish the inputs for the commemorative text titled: “Forty Years of Research Trajectories Led by Women”. This serves as the prelude to the various texts that make up the special edition. The editorial situates itself in one of the contextual realities experienced by the journal and its practices in daily life, titled: “Formative research in novice writers: a matter of tact, listening, care, and waiting”.

“Relationship violence and psychopathy is a contribution resulting from an academic exercise of the research seedbed on Psychopathy and Violence in Couple Relationships, from the Psychology program in Medellín; two themes that draw attention were reviewed. Namely, violence in the couple relationship, and psychopathic traits in the manifestations of violent behaviors between women and men, and men and women.

“Serial killers: a plurifactorial comparison between three Colombian criminals” is a review article resulting from the degree work entitled “Characteristics of criminal behavior in three cases of serial killers with Colombian nationality: a comparison between Pedro Alonso López, Luis Alfredo Garavito, and Fredy Armando Valencia.”

“The Will, a link between the supreme good and the inclinations”, is a review article that investigates the concept of Kantian Will, in order to answer the question: How is the highest good objectively related to inclinations? For this purpose, it starts from Kant’s conceptual conceptions of morality argued in his works, more precisely from his second Critique.

The case study “Organizational changes implemented from Covid-19 in a chemical laboratory in the city of Medellin” was conducted with the aim of understanding transformations in terms of productivity, job satisfaction, and competitiveness in a company in the city of Medellín.

“The ‘bad’ guys: Callous Unemotional and proactive aggression” with narrative exposition, aims to identify the influence of Callous Unemotional Traits (CU) on Proactive Aggression, with the interest of analyzing if there is an existing relationship.

“Latin American university students’ perception: education before and after the pandemic” is a research article that analyzed 3,000 comments from the social network Twitter. It is concluded from this study that students’ comments on education after the pandemic are more positive compared to those made during the pandemic; in-person educational processes favor the real acquisition of learning linked to social contact unlike virtual education.

The paper “The Creatio ex nihilo and the rationes seminalis in agustinian cosmology” aimed to investigate the ontological and philosophical foundations of the Augustinian theory of creation in two moments: a) the recognition of the meaning of creatio ex nihilo and ratios seminalis as neural concepts in the creationist theory of St. Augustine, and b) the analysis of the same in light of two identified moments or senses surrounding the narrative of creation: one temporal and the other simultaneous.

The paper “Documentary review of student satisfaction with respect to the University formative research” characterized the variables of virtual formative research that positively contribute to student satisfaction in university students.

Another text presented in this edition is “Armed conflict and education: a review using Tree of Science” algorithm based on a search in Scopus. Academic contributions regarding armed conflict and education were traced. Three important branches of this search are highlighted, namely: the influence of entrepreneurial education in conflict areas, historical emergencies, and political inequities.

Finally, in this edition of the Journal, we find the project by Professor Andrés Naranjo Ortiz, a faculty member of the School of Communication, Advertising, and Design. In his own words, the professor states that “the proposal is framed within the visual style level within the collage technique, both object-based and digital, allowing the creation of images that, through hybridization and mixing of contexts, enable the articulation of a narrative in a novel and visually appealing manner where, in this case, the historical component is the fabric that gives structure to each of the dates, events, and characters in which the story of each individual who contributes to the celebration of the 40 years of institutional life is chronologically articulated.”

With this edition, we aim to honor the memory of those who are no longer with us but who contributed to this evolution, highlight important milestones in the evolution of this substantive function, and join in jubilant celebration of forty years of institutional life.