
Juan Diego Betancur Arias

How to cite this article in APA: Betancur Arias, J. D. (2022). Presentation. Ciencia y Academia, (3),

The journal Ciencia y Academia discloses its third issue and presents a series of research works derived from the training in research competences in different Universidad de Antioquia, Iberoamerica and Germany. They are unpublished constructions that students of higher education achieved to share with the academic, scientific and learning community; with the intention of disseminating their thoughts at the service of science with an open approach and society in general to reflect, mitigate, alleviate or solve the range of problems that arise in different contexts of the national and international spheres.

Till Hentschel, a student of the University of Giessen (Gießen), officially called Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany, in academic exchange with the University of Antioquia and as an international visiting student to the program of Philosophy and Theology of the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, participated in the elaboration of the editorial. The contribution she has called “Misogyny: Between music, internet, Church and politics” allows to reflect on some aspects of culture and the continuance of misogyny as a triggering factor of violence against women.

For this edition, two letters have been sent to the editor’s desk. Both of them contain an interesting reflection on the processes of research training in university settings, the importance of research competencies in the academic formation of disciplines and the demystification of scientific research as a rigid process that is difficult to access for human beings and the opportunities for solutions.

This issue contains a set of 7 academic essays resulting from the research activity in the different research groups that make up the Network of Catholic Universities of Colombia (RUCC–Red de Universidades Católicas de Colombia) Antioquia–Choco region. The essays were selected, evaluated by academic panel, and socialized in the framework of the project of research, innovation, artistic, cultural and pedagogical creation 2021, carried out by the RUCC research board and the aforementioned region.

The assembly of research groups was one of the important axes of this great event and allowed the research work, resulting from the spaces for discussion, learning, reflection and socialization, made visible their pedagogical actions focused on the development of research, innovative thinking, artistic and cultural creation in higher education students. Three reflection articles and two research articles complete the current edition.

The first essay entitled: “Curricular reflections for a socially responsible education” was constructed by students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Art Education of the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO, Semillero de Investigación de Responsabilidad Social Educativa–Rsed. The main objective was to analyze the importance of transforming curricular visions in the perspective of the teacher’s role, the challenges of culture, and the role to be assumed by those who are part of a formation program.

“The teacher’s discourses: the research group as a training space to inhabit the word” is the second one and it is shared by a member of the research group in childhood – SIEIN, of the GIDEP group of the Faculty of Education of the Universidad de San Buenaventura–Medellin. It articulates a motivational and high speech, which rescues the value of the research teacher, in the formation of students interested in the methods of science, the emotional expression through science and the construction of discourses that allow to inhabit the being of a researcher.

The third essay is entitled: “The teaching role and formative research, nuance from the reflection and generation of knowledge” and was prepared by a group of students belonging to the SEINED Semillero of the Universidad de San Buenaventura – Medellin, Extension Armenia, Faculty of Education, Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education, X level. The analysis focuses on the importance of combining professional and research actions. They manage to clearly state that professionals of the XXI century must have research competences that allow other levels of reflexivity supported by science and not by popular or experiential knowledge.

A group of philosophy students from the Insan Philosophy, Semillero of the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó – Medellin, presented the fourth essay “Ethics as knowledge, encounter and recognition with the Other.” Contemporary societies show a lack of formation and approach to the practice of ethics that is reflected in the serious problems and crises we live, among which stand out violence, fanaticism and exclusion.

“The academic literacy research group of the Fundación Universitaria Católica del Norte, a space for lifelong learning”. This is the fifth essay and it is written by a student of the Psychology program of the Fundación Universitaria Católica del Norte, Semillero de alfabetización académica, Bogotá. A reflection dedicated to the sustainability of research groups as contexts that teach for life. The strengthening of reading and writing skills in students, in citizens or neighbors of a territory, allow research groups to advance to constant learning throughout life, not limited to the development of scientific skills in merely university contexts.

“An approach to forensic auditing and its importance as an instrument of social control” is the sixth essay and it is constructed by a student of the Public Accounting Program of the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, and member of the Semillero Auditoría Fiscal y Control Social–SAFICOS, Medellín. It reflects on the importance of forensic auditing as a means of evidence in what has to do with issues of financial fraud and how it is articulated in this specific case to the issue of distribution and execution of public resources, and also intertwined from the processes of social and fiscal control, as it becomes a tool for analyzing the processes of budget execution, in order to reduce organizational fraud that give rise to deviations of public resources.

The last essay is by a group of students from the SICO research group, attached to the Pedagogy and Didactics of Knowledge research group of the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana – Medellin, Colombia. Entitled: “Compassionate care from the SICO research group”, it addresses the concept of compassionate care to different population groups that require it; they argue that in recent decades the number of these groups has increased and as a society, school and university we are called to seek solutions and raise awareness from the formative processes installing prosocial behaviors in the behavioral, emotional and cognitive repertoire of our students and citizens.

The articles of reflection are framed in the following topics: “Dyslexia: socio-emotional manifestations in the learning disorder and its multidisciplinary intervention”. A review article that situates the neuropsychological learning disorder from a contextual and emotional viewpoint as a direct influence on its development, course and treatment.

“Psychopathy and inhibitory control”; this article seeks to develop a narrative review of the elements of psychopathy that are relevant in light of the executive function of inhibitory control and its characteristic elements. “Alterations in impulse control and suicidal behavior”; the manuscript works on the neurocognitive theories and suicidal behavior; acknowledging the great relevance of the subject due to the number of lives that are lost daily as a result of this phenomenon. “The construct of engagement in Colombia: A theoretical review”. It is a work carried out by a student of the psychology program of the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, two students of the Master’s degree in psychology of organizations and work of the Universidad San Buenaventura: sectional Medellín and a student of the doctorate in project management of the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana. The text, built from a review of scientific literature, exposes how the construct of engagement is being developed in the logics of scientific research in Colombia, especially in the area of business administration. It provides cross-cultural visions about the positioning of the construct in the country. “Training of undergraduate researchers. Semillero de investigación comunicación digital y ciberculturas” is a reference work for the professional careers of advertising and social communication; it describes the pedagogical strategies used in the research group to direct learning processes of students motivated by research from the undergraduate level.

“Psychosocial and organizational factors generated by COVID-19 in collaborators of the optical sector in the city of Medellín”, “Burnout syndrome in nursing assistants during the covid-19 pandemic”. These are the last articles of the edition and their nature is investigative. The texts were developed by Business Administration students of the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. They establish research works under the direction of research professors, on topics of high impact and interest for the historical moment in which we are evolving.

The third edition of the journal Ciencia y Academia is the result of a cooperative work in research that points out the importance of making visible the experiential actions of several students and teachers who build in research groups, networks for academic research, research exchanges and research training courses, which enable the development and strengthening of research skills in higher education, everyday life and the contexts of local, national and international development.