
The first number of the magazine Science and Academy presents its content, its producers and creators. The publishing house that begins the circulation of this project reflects on important aspects of the current context in which we live, the threats, the circumstances and the effects that the pandemic is presenting with exponential characteristics. Doctor Antonio Oliveira de la Rosa is the guest who shares his reasoning regarding what he himself has entitled for the editorial: “The psychology of aversion in the days of COVID-19”. Be cautious with “visceral diagnoses”, with rushed and irrational judgments about the other. It is the message that makes the content of this valuable contribution explicit in times where anxiety and contaminating events seem to govern human behavior.

For all the editions of Science and Academy there will be a space where the publisher or others capture, reflect or generate a call for the construction of ideas, proposals and reasoning that allow readers to be seduced by the content shared there and recognize the contribution to the repertoire of new thoughts. This part of the magazine will be referred to hereafter as “Space of the editor” and will be after the editorial. Two closely related concepts have been thought for this issue. Loneliness and social distancing are not as determining factors for the health of the individual but as emerging constructs of individual and social psychology. The social sciences must generate a change in the conception of the person as a social being, added in interaction and dynamism. To think the reflective person, remote, distant, full of anguishes or liberated is the great challenge of research that tries to explain and understand human behavior.

A magnificent photographic project, sensitive and with ecological validity Carolina Vélez, a student at the Henry Agudelo Institute, dedicated to forming people with a deep critical humanism, presents us that the purpose of this training is to be able to generate in the students of photography the ability to “make the invisible visible through it”. “Times of Solitude” is called the collection of twenty photographs that narrate how the streets of our city are missing but “talk”, a sepulchral silence, exotic animals in the street, the green mountains and the rested asphalt.

An article titled “Development of Nanotechnological Capacities in Higher Education Institutions in Antioquia-Colombia” tops the list of manuscripts. It is an important contribution made by three researchers external to our University. They are evidenced by means of an analysis of collective cases. A regional embryonic nanotechnology capacity, in an early assimilation stage, where knowledge exploitation does not yet exist and scientific research represents an important promise.

A psychologist from the Universidad del Ces, master in psychotherapy from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana presents a manuscript entitled: “Once upon a time ... an introduction to postmodern thinking and narrative therapy.” In this the author addresses the foundations of postmodern thought, as well as the theoretical and technical principles of narrative therapy.

The entrepreneurial research group with a social and solidarity approach at the Catholic University Luis Amigó presents “Self-medication and its implications on health and well-being: case study, Doce de Octubre hospital unit”. This study suggests that most people interviewed are unaware of the risks of self-medication, they are not sensitized about the health implications and in general terms they go to the pharmacy to buy medications and thus mitigate health problems.

“Strengthening the self-concept in children with intellectual disabilities and health needs”, a reflection article not derived from research, is presented by the teacher and the student of the degree program in Spanish, Carmen Olivia Ramírez Echavarría and María Catherine Soto Suaza. From academic reflection and social practice, they present their thoughts in relation to two high-frequency phenomena in our environment: intellectual disability and the health of hospitalized children in the school stage. They made it possible to focus on the needs for these populations that require adjustments in the accompaniment of their teaching-learning processes.

“Play as a mediator of learning for the integral development of early childhood children” is presented by a group of teachers in training. They take into account two divergent social contexts and generate a contrast of educational practices based on play as a governing principle of early childhood education.

Two students of social communication write the article: “The prospective trends in intercultural communication of the Chibcariwak indigenous council”, this is a research exercise that investigates the prospective trends of intercultural communication, from the reality of the members of the Chibcariwak Indigenous Council, in the city of Medellín whose members come from different ethnic groups.

“In the heart of Medellín: experiences of a group of teachers around social skills,” carried out by students of the Bachelor of Preschool Education, relating that from different training contexts and interactive techniques the reasons for the importance of social skills in the education of the subjects are strengthened and established.

Two free texts also accompany the edition, written by Daniela Hernández Gallego, graduated from the psychology program of the Luis Amigó Catholic University. Her contribution is titled: “I’d rather be dead first than understated”. (the second of Julián Andrés García Ortiz, a seventh semester student in Psychology and assigned to the Neuromanagement research group, writes the reflection “Neuroscience Applied to organizations, a hybrid that seeks a scientific construct”.

We are inviting the entire academic learning community to make use of the content, contributions and reflections that make up the first issue of the journal Science and Academy.